Nutritional Counseling

We strive to make nutrition counseling as enjoyable and helpful as possible. We take the time to listen closely and to understand where you are right now in terms of your lifestyle and diet, and work with you to help achieve your goals. With Hood View Chiropractic, our nutrition counseling will help create an individual action plan to help you adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Who Can Benefit from a Nutrition Consult? Lots of people can benefit from nutrition counseling, for many different reasons–whether you need a complete diet overhaul, are looking to manage a medical condition, want to fine-tune your food choices or get inspiration for new, healthy recipes. It’s best to book a nutrition consultation after a check-up with your primary care provider. That can help inform whether you have any specific conditions that can be addressed with nutrition, such as elevated blood sugar or cholesterol, or blood pressure issues.

While some patients come in for a nutrition consultation to learn more about how their food choices affect their health, others end up in my office at their doctor’s suggestion.

Call (503) 669-1966 Today to learn about our chiropractic care and massage therapy services.