Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to enhance a person’s health and well-being. There are dozens of types of massage therapy methods (also called modalities).

People seek massage therapy for a variety of reasons – to reduce stress and anxiety, relax muscles, rehabilitate injuries, reduce pain, and promote overall health and wellness similar to chiropractic care.



CranioSacral Therapy

Medical Massage

Sports Massage

Deep Tissue Massage

Lymphatic Drainage

Raindrop Therapy Massage

  • Targeted massage with energy approaches
  • Using pure, authentic essential oils
  • Rejuvenating and relaxing experience


  • MyoKinesthetic System – group muscles by nerve innervation
  • Pain nerve and muscular – nerve and muscular pain disappears when patient stands
  • Unbalanced posture – now balanced after treatment
  • Limited range of motion – motion and function back to normal
  • Strengthen weak muscles – specific home exercises to nerve and posture problems
  • Evaluation and assessment – step-by-step process to ensure correct treatment

Trigger Point Therapy

NeuroMuscular Therapy


Not interested in massage? Read about our other chiropractic care services.

Call (503) 669-1966 today to learn about our chiropractic care and massage therapy services.