Chiropractic for Sports Injuries
Gresham, Oregon

Model of the spine

What Is Considered a Sports Injury?

If you’re an athlete, you understand the numerous demands of participating in a sport such as running, jumping, and tackling. Putting your body through these activities can result in painful tears, sprains, and strains. The good news is that seeing a chiropractor can help you when you’ve suffered sports injuries and also help prevent them.

Chiropractors treat and provide chiropractic care that can help prevent injuries of the neck, back, shoulder, knee, ankle, and other parts of the body. At Hood View Chiropractic, we’re skilled in spinal adjustments, ensuring that bones are lined up and balanced, which helps relieve tension in the body. This allows the body to function better and become less susceptible to injury.

The goal of most chiropractic techniques is to restore or enhance joint function while resolving joint inflammation and reducing pain. This hands-on therapy is often used to treat neck or back injuries, but it also relieves pain throughout the joints and muscles in the body.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Auto Injuries

  • Improve your mobility.
  • Speed up your recovery time.
  • Prevent future injuries.
  • Boost your athletic performance.
  • Cut down on pain and other injury symptoms.
  • Decrease inflammation.

Book an Appointment Today!

Were you recently injured while on the field or court and ready to see a chiropractor? Call (503) 669-1966 today to book an appointment.